What are the construction techniques and common precautions for ice and fire boards?
Author:Dongli Time:2023-12-27 10:44:45 Click:129
Ice and fire board is composed of substrate board, adhesive layer, and impregnated paper. The above-mentioned substrate board is asbestos free fiber cement board, and the impregnated paper is decorative paper pre impregnated with epoxy resin adhesive. It is a type of board made in the form of ice and fire. Therefore, high-quality ice and fire board has the characteristics of moisture-proof (based on actual reports) and flame retardant. In addition, it can achieve the actual effect of natural growth marble decoration. So what exactly is the construction process for ice and fire boards, and what are the areas that customers should pay special attention to:
What are the construction processes and common precautions for ice and fire boards
Ice and fire board construction technology:
(1) Ice and fire board base: Select wall reinforcement wooden keel, nail it on the buried wooden bricks or wedges of the wall or column, and the spacing between the wooden bricks or wedges should be consistent with the arrangement specifications of the wall reinforcement. Divide or plan the shape according to the design specifications on the drawing. After stabilizing the wall reinforcement, lay and nail the base layer board; Special attention should be paid to the implementation of flame retardant and anti-corrosion coatings (based on actual reports) before laying
(2) The overall surface layer of the ice and fire board is stable: Before installation and use, the ice and fire board should be separated according to the design plan, and pre cut should be done by dividing the blocks. When cutting ice and fire boards (wooden sound-absorbing boards), it is necessary to use a circular woodworking saw blade for cutting to avoid defects at the cutting point. When installing and using, the decoration carpenter should do a good job in construction layout work, confirm the flatness and verticality of the ice and fire board after installation and use. First, apply glass glue points on the back of the ice and fire board, especially at the corners and center positions. The key function of the glass glue is to temporarily stabilize it. In addition, apply structural adhesive fully to other positions, as the structural adhesive plays a stabilizing role and requires a solidification timeCommon precautions for ice and fire board construction:
(1) Before application, the large core board of the ice and fire board base must be treated with flame retardant and anti-corrosion measures (based on actual reports)
(2) When cutting and bonding ice and fire boards, special attention should be paid to the direction of the patterns to avoid disordered patterns that may affect their appearance (3) The levelness and verticality of the installation and use of ice and fire boards should meet the standard requirements, and the internal and external corners should be properly diagonal Considering that ice and fire panels belong to the construction decoration material technology industry, they look like stone. In fact, the surface produced by ice and fire panels (fire resistant (based on actual reports) sound-absorbing panels is very similar to stone, with texture and sometimes even natural growth marble, so they also have a significant advantage in terms of aesthetics. Therefore, the ice and fire panels supplied are also loved by customers

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